Skip to the contentBy Dave Wood
As part of our commitment to going “Beyond the Paper” when representing candidates to our client base, we often use behavioural assessments to ensure we’re matching people with an environment in which they’re likely to be successful.
At the beginning of the process, the hiring manager(s) complete a survey to assess the behavioural patterns and cultures required for this person to be successful. Candidates then complete a counterpart survey, which shows how their behavioural tendencies match with the requirements.
The system we use is McQuaig, developed by Jack H. McQuaig who pioneered what he called the “Three Levels of Assessment” that underpins the McQuaig Psychometric System. McQuaig believed that companies hire based on what people “appear to do” and “can do” but that it is much more difficult to judge what someone “will do”. The three levels of assessment are designed to do that.
By asking our clients to complete the McQuaig Job Survey at the beginning of the process, we can then compare and contrast the results of the candidates’ McQuaig Word Surveys”, which provides an assessment of behaviour and temperament. Using the two in combination should allow our clients to make an accurate assessment of what somebody “will do” when appointed to a position, as opposed to what they appear to or are able to do.
This, when combined with a thorough assessment of skillset and aptitude, ensures that our clients are able to hire the right individuals for their teams, as opposed to the right CVs.
Get in touch with Dave to find out more about how he can support you in finding the right candidate for your business.
Call: +44 1606 212020
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: Dave Wood