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How I solve your toughest hiring challenges

A chess board being used to represent strategy and planning
“How I Solve Your Toughest Hiring Challenges”

By Gareth Foden, Director and Head of Life Science

In the fast-paced world of recruitment, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline their hiring processes, attract top-tier talent, and mitigate risks associated with bringing new members into their teams. As someone with 12 years of recruitment experience, I understand the unique challenges that organisations face and have honed my skills to provide comprehensive solutions.

In this blog, I’ll explore the key problems I solve for my clients, ranging from time to hire and quality assessment to taking the value proposition to the market and managing risks effectively.

1. Time to hire: Accelerating your recruitment process – One of the most critical challenges in the hiring process is the time it takes to find and onboard the right candidates. Time is money, and delays in recruitment can lead to missed opportunities and increased workloads for existing team members. I specialise in optimising the recruitment timeline, leveraging efficient sourcing strategies, and employing advanced technologies to ensure a swift and effective hiring process.

2. Quality assessment: Ensuring the best fit for your team – Finding candidates is one thing, but identifying the right fit for your organisation is another challenge altogether. My expertise lies in conducting thorough quality assessments to ensure that the candidates not only meet the required skills and qualifications but also align with the company culture. This meticulous evaluation aims to guarantee that every hire contributes positively to your team dynamics and overall success.

3. Taking your value proposition to the market – In today’s competitive job market, attracting top talent requires a compelling value proposition. I work closely with organisations to articulate their unique selling points and effectively communicate them to potential candidates. By showcasing the company’s culture, benefits, and growth opportunities, I help create a strong employer brand that resonates with top-tier talent, making your organisation a magnet for great people.

4. Expertise in niche talent pools – Many industries require specialised skill sets, and finding candidates with niche expertise can be a daunting task. My extensive experience includes navigating and understanding niche talent pools. Whether it’s C-Suite, Director, commercial or niche technical, I deploy the same robust processes to deep dive in to these talent pools and identify the best people for your business.

5. Objective feedback – Recruitment roadblocks can often arise internally, hindering the progress of the hiring process. My role extends beyond just finding candidates – I provide objective feedback and insights from an external perspective. This helps organisations identify and address any internal challenges, ensuring a smooth and efficient recruitment process.

6. Risk management – Bringing new team members on board always carries inherent risks. I specialise in risk management throughout the recruitment process, from conducting thorough interviews to assessing potential cultural fit. By mitigating risks early in the hiring process, I contribute to the long-term success and stability of the teams I help to build.

Conclusion: In the ever-evolving landscape of recruitment, I am dedicated to solving the multifaceted challenges faced by businesses. From expediting the hiring process to ensuring quality assessments and managing risks, my expertise spans the entire recruitment journey. By partnering with me, organisations can not only optimise their hiring processes but also build teams that drive success and innovation.

Get in touch to see how I can support you in your search for talent:

LinkedIn: Gareth Foden

Email: [email protected]


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10 Mind-blowing facts that prove composites aren’t just for spaceships!

An image of a space ship in outer space
10 Mind-blowing facts that prove composites aren’t just for spaceships!

By Louise Shorrock

The composites sector, a realm where innovation meets craftsmanship, holds a treasure trove of fascinating facts that often go unnoticed. In this blog, we embark on a journey through the world of composites, uncovering unique and surprising aspects that contribute to the sector’s allure.

Moon landing, anyone… Composites weren’t just bystanders in the space race; they were the silent heroes. Remember the Apollo 11 lunar module that touched down on the moon? Packed with composites, it proved you can be lightweight and tough as nails – a must-have for interstellar adventures.

Super strong, super light: Carbon fiber’s got it all. This isn’t your grandma’s yarn. Carbon fiber is five times stronger than steel, but lighter – talk about defying physics! So, it’s no wonder you’ll find it in everything from sleek race cars to soaring airplanes.

Ancient egyptians were way ahead of the game… Don’t be fooled by fancy labs; people have been rocking composites for millennia. Over 3,000 years ago, the Egyptians were using straw-reinforced clay to build stronger, longer-lasting bricks. Talk about sustainable!

Nature’s masterpiece: Bamboo is a built-in composite… Mother nature knows best, and bamboo proves it. This natural wonder combines tough fibers with a strong matrix, making it a sustainable alternative for everything from buildings to furniture. Talk about green tech with a prehistoric twist.

From astronauts to athletes: Composites heal too. They’re not just for spaceships and fancy cars, you know. Composites are making waves in the medical field, with carbon fiber finding its way into bone plates and artificial joints. Strong, biocompatible, and ready to mend broken bodies – who knew?!

Say goodbye to boxy designs: Composites bend the rules – Unlike their rigid counterparts, composites are all about flexibility. You can mold them, twist them, and shape them into mind-bending structures that would leave traditional materials weeping in the corner. Get ready for some seriously out-of-this-world designs!

Bulletproof badass: Protecting lives with Aramid. Kevlar, anyone? This wonder fiber, used in everything from bulletproof vests to firefighter gear, showcases the life-saving potential of composites. They may look sleek, but they’re tough as nails when it comes to keeping us safe.

Green is the new black: Sustainable composites are here: Forget the “composites are bad for the planet” myth. Researchers are busy developing eco-friendly versions, like those made from recycled materials. So, you can have your high-tech materials and protect the Earth too – win-win!

Bridges to the future: Composites span more than just gaps. Move over, steel! Composite bridges are popping up everywhere, boasting longer lifespans, rust-proof attitudes, and lower maintenance costs. They’re like the superheroes of infrastructure, ready to connect us for generations to come.

From your phone to your car, composites are everywhere! Look around – that sleek phone case, the lightweight parts in your car, even the tennis racket you swing every weekend – they’re all hiding a secret, they’re made with composites! These versatile materials are woven into the fabric of our daily lives, proving they’re not just a futuristic fad.

As we unravel these intriguing facts within the composites sector, it becomes evident that these materials are not just a technological marvel but a key player in reshaping industries across the globe. The ongoing innovations, coupled with the historical roots of composite materials, emphasise their enduring impact on the way we design, build, and interact with the world around us. The composites sector, with its rich history and boundless potential, continues to be a source of inspiration for engineers, scientists, and innovators alike.

Get in touch with Louise to see how she can support you in your search for out of this world talent:

Call: +44 1606 212020

Email: [email protected]

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Navigating the green frontier: Sustainability challenges in the semiconductor industry

Semiconductor chip
Navigating the green frontier: Sustainability challenges in the semiconductor industry

The semiconductor industry plays a pivotal role in powering our modern world, enabling technology that fuels communication, computing and countless other applications. However, this progress comes at a cost, with the manufacturing of semiconductors often associated with environmental and social challenges. As the demand for electronic devices continues to rise, the need for sustainable semiconductor manufacturing becomes increasingly urgent.

So what challenges are chip manufacturers facing? And what solutions are there to these issues?


1. Resource depletion: One of the primary challenges in sustainable semiconductor manufacturing is the depletion of natural resources. The production of semiconductors requires a significant amount of water, energy, and raw materials, contributing to environmental degradation and resource shortages.
Solution: Implementing resource-efficient practices, such as water recycling, optimising energy consumption, and exploring alternative materials, can help mitigate the impact on natural resources.

2. Chemical usage and pollution: The semiconductor manufacturing process involves the use of various chemicals, some of which can be hazardous to the environment and human health. Improper disposal of the chemicals can lead to pollution of air, water and soil.
Solution: Adopting green chemistry principles, substituting harmful chemicals with eco-friendly alternatives, and investing in advanced waste treatment technologies can minimise the environmental impact of chemical usage.

3. Electronic waste: The rapid pace of technological advancements results in a significant amount of electronic waste, including discarded semiconductors and electronic components. E-Waste poses a considerable challenge due to the toxic materials it contains and the difficulty of recycling complex electronic devices.
Solution: Promoting the design of modular and easily recyclable semiconductor components, establishing effective e-waste recycling programs, and incentivising the recycling industry can address the e-waste challenge.

4. Supply chain transparency: Ensuring the sustainability of semiconductor manufacturing requires transparency throughout the supply chain. It can be challenging to trace the origin of raw materials and verify the adherence of suppliers to ethical and environmental standards.
Solution: Implementing blockchain technology and other traceability systems can enhance supply chain transparency, allowing manufacturers and consumers to make informed choices about the sustainability of the products they use.

Positive Steps:

1. Renewable energy adoption: Transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of semiconductor manufacturing facilities. Implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices further contributes to a more sustainable operation.

2. Circular economy practices: Embracing a circular economy model involves designing products with recyclability in mind, promoting the reuse of components and minimising waste. Manufacturers can collaborate with recycling facilities to create closed-loop systems, reducing the overall environmental impact.

3. Innovation in material science: Research into alternative materials that are more abundant, less toxic and easier to recycle is crucial for sustainable semiconductor manufacturing. Innovations in material science can lead to the development of eco-friendly materials without compromising performance.

4. Regulatory compliance and industry standards: Governments and industry organisations can play a vital role in promoting sustainable practices by implementing and enforcing regulations. Establishing industry-wide standards for sustainable manufacturing practices ensures that all stakeholders contribute to the global effort for greener semiconductor industry.

Overall, sustainable semiconductor manufacturing is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a converted effort from industry players, governments, and consumers. By addressing depletion, minimising chemical usage & pollution, managing e-waste responsibly, and enhancing supply chain transparency, the semiconductor industry can pave the way for a more sustainable future. Embracing innovative solutions and committing to environmentally and socially responsible practices will not only benefit the industry but also contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.


By Dan Ward, Senior Search Consultant

Reach out to see how Dan can support you in your search for talent:

LinkedIn: Dan Ward

Email: [email protected]


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Launching your career: A guide to thriving in your first job

A plant starting to grow in the cracks between pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
Launching your career: A guide to thriving in your first job

By Wil Evans, Associate Search Consultant

As the calendar flips to a new year, I find myself standing at the threshold of an exciting journey—my very first job. The transition from student life to the professional world is both thrilling and nerve-wracking but armed with enthusiasm and a sprinkle of nervous energy, I’m ready to embark on this new career adventure.

In this blog, I’ll share some insights and tips from the perspective of someone who’s just secured their first job.

1. Celebrate your achievements – Getting your first job is a significant accomplishment! Take a moment to celebrate your hard work, dedication, and the skills that landed you this opportunity. Whether it’s a small treat, a celebration with friends, or a moment of self-reflection, acknowledge and savour this milestone.

2. Embrace a learning mindset – Starting a new job means entering a world of new experiences and challenges. Embrace a learning mindset—be open to soaking in knowledge, asking questions, and seeking guidance. Recognise that there’s a learning curve, and every task, no matter how small, contributes to your growth.

3. Build relationships – Colleagues are more than just co-workers—they’re potential mentors, friends, and collaborators. Take the time to get to know your team, attend team events, and participate in workplace activities. Building positive relationships not only makes the work environment enjoyable but can also open doors for learning opportunities.

4. Seek feedback – Feedback is a valuable tool for personal and professional development. Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback on your performance and use it as a tool to improve. Constructive criticism is a stepping stone to success, and it shows your dedication to continuous improvement.

5. Time management – Balancing work tasks, deadlines, and personal life is a skill worth honing. Develop effective time management habits early on. Prioritise tasks, set realistic goals, and create a schedule that allows you to deliver quality work while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

6. Stay curious – In the dynamic world of work, staying curious is key. Take the initiative to learn about different aspects of the organisation, industry trends, and the broader context of your role. A curious mindset not only fuels personal growth but can also make you an asset to your team.

7. Adaptability – Flexibility is a superpower in the professional realm. Be prepared to adapt to changes, learn new tools or methodologies, and embrace challenges with a positive attitude. The ability to adapt not only makes you resilient but also showcases your versatility as a professional.

Embarking on my first job journey feels like stepping into a world of endless possibilities. By celebrating achievements, embracing a learning mindset, building relationships, seeking feedback, mastering time management, staying curious, and cultivating adaptability, I aim to make the most of this exciting chapter.

To all fellow newcomers to the workforce, here’s to a year filled with growth, learning, and countless moments of success in our professional endeavours!

Wil works as a Associate Search Consultant and is focused on partnering exclusively with start-up or early-stage organisations, working with them as a trusted partner to help define and deploy structured hiring strategies across Europe and the US.

Get in touch to find out how Wil can support you with your next hire:

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Wil Evans