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What is the impact of COVID-19 on recruitment in the semiconductor market

What is the impact of COVID-19 on recruitment in the semiconductor market?

What hasn’t Covid-19 impacted? The way we work and or our own personal lives have changed in some way, shape or form. Recruitment in the semiconductor market is no different.

The pre-covid traditional ways of working on site 100% of the time are no longer appealing to candidates and we have seen that a lot of candidates won’t hesitate to discount a role if this is the expectation. The vast majority are now looking for hybrid roles to allow for a better work-life balance.

Hybrid working itself has revolutionised many areas of work, a key factor to this is increasing the efficiency of the recruitment process. Being able to have virtual interviews means hiring managers or HR teams based in different areas can collaborate on a quicker timescale.

Over recent years there have been multiple announcements from some of the big players (the likes of Intel, Texas Instrument and TSMC) in the semiconductor industry to build, or consider, facilities that have traditionally been in areas such as Asia. This could be down to the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns in affected areas, so new facilities would allow for tensions to be eased.

From a recruitment perspective, this will lead to talent being in even more demand. Candidates who are actively searching for work are likely to have multiple offers of employment meaning more detailed analysis of company reviews and packages is required.

Delve’s bespoke approach to understanding your business allows us to provide realistic and achievable solutions to your recruitment needs. We work with you to devise a recruitment strategy that overcomes any hurdles and ensures that the candidate experience is clear and positive.

Get in touch to see how we can support your business.

Tel: +44 (0)1606 212020

Email: ​[email protected]


Best practice interview prep

Best practice interview prep

Sometimes the big obstacle can be getting the interview in the first place, but now you have one or maybe multiple interviews lined up, what is the best way to give yourself the maximum chance of getting the job? Here are our key pointers, based on our experience over the years, to help give you the best chance…

Preparation is key – The age old ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’. It may sound so obvious, but I can’t stress how important it is to research the company so you can answer the almost guaranteed question of ‘what do you know about us?’ Use the information to think about why you want the job too, employers tend to want to know what has drawn you to their company.

Check the route – Even do a trial run if required, and check there are no issues with the roads on the day. If something unexpected does arise, make sure you have the contact number of the company or recruitment consultant in your phone to call ahead in a worst-case scenario.

Wear appropriate interview clothing – Unless told otherwise, always go in smart wear. In some instances, it may be relevant to wear casual wear dependant on the role, but you are better to be overdressed than underdressed! This may seem obvious, but I’ve seen people turn up in casual wear despite being advised that smart wear is appropriate, and it will usually be a dealbreaker from a first impressions point of view.

Attitude – Many companies we work with will hire on attitude rather than putting skills first, so how you come across based on your attitude, work ethic, body language and interpersonal skills can be more important – you can teach skills, but you can’t teach a good attitude…remember to smile!

Ask questions – This shows you are interested in what they do as a company and gets the conversation flowing in terms of what is familiar to you, from a transferability point of view, or what is new, to show interest. Also, be verbal on company/shop floor tours. Remember, this is a two-way assessment, you need to make sure you have the information you need to decide if it is the right fit for you not just the other way around.

Avoid being negative about previous employers – We all have our own reasons for leaving a company, just make sure it is delivered in a way that doesn’t come across negative to a future employer. In life there are always positives that come from negatives so focus on the positives e.g., the new skills learnt. 

Avoid asking directly about salary – It can come across that motivations perhaps aren’t aligned, plus you should have this information from the recruitment consultancy in advance. If the interviewer asks the question though, have the conversation and answer with honest expectations, don’t let it catch you off guard.

At Delve, we work closely with our clients to be able to support our candidates as much as possible about what to expect in terms of the interview format etc but also crucially gather feedback post interview. If you feel like you haven’t got the information you need, don’t be afraid to ask!

For further information contact Louise Shorrock, Client Manager at Delve Search via LinkedIn or email.

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News from Munich

News from Munich!

Office in Munich
Our office in the heart of Munich is running well with our colleague Nathan Falconer leading Delve Search GmbH’s growth in the DACH region. Nathan has been busy meeting clients new and old, and we are now looking to expand and hire two highly qualified recruiters to join our team in Munich.

If you know someone that might be interested in joining our team, that speaks fluent German & wants to work for a business who value independence and autonomous working, they should contact [email protected] and he would be happy to share more information.

Team Delve recently visited Munich to see the sights, sample the local cuisine, and get a feel for the local culture. We had a fabulous time and can’t wait to be back again soon.

Delve life science visit
The Delve life science team has extensive experience of providing support to life science companies looking to raise their profile and increase their hiring ability. We have vast experience of working with a variety of businesses in the sector, from start-ups to established manufacturers and distributors of essential technologies.

This week Gareth Foden and Jamie Rafferty are visiting Munich to connect with clients new and old. If you would like to arrange a meeting contact:

Gareth Foden – [email protected]

Jamie Rafferty – [email protected]

SemiCon Europa
Nathan Falconer and David Evans will be attending SemiCon Europa from 15-17 Nov 2022, it looks like it’s going to be a great event this year and they are really looking forward to getting the chance to meet up with people. Please reach out to arrange a meeting:

David Evans – [email protected]

Nathan Falconer – [email protected]


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Top 5 reasons to partner with a life science search firm

Top 5 reasons to partner with a life science search firm

When it comes to hiring, deciding who will or won’t fit your business can be incredibly difficult. Often it takes a huge amount of time and effort, and the total cost to a business can be significant. This doesn’t just apply to companies who “go it alone” in the hiring wilderness, but also applies to companies who decide to work with a recruiter, or multiple, but get their selection of a search firm wrong. Partnering with recruiters who specialise in their markets can be very advantageous.

Here are our top 5 reasons that Life Science companies should partner with recruiters who specialise in their markets.

  1. Networks – It sounds obvious when you say it out loud, but put simply, a recruiter who is entrenched in their market will have immediate access to a network of people who could suit your open positions. If they don’t know someone themselves, their networks often lead them to the right person. This means that you should have the selection of the best available talent at the time of your search.
  1. Time – a good recruiter will want a lot of detail at the start of a search, and often an in-person meeting to really refine what the right profile looks like. Beyond that, they should be able to conduct the search as if you were doing it yourself, producing a robust and well assessed shortlist for you to interview. The time this will save you from sifting through countless applications and needless interviews will be immense.
  1. Technical expertise – Selecting a recruiter with expertise in your market will prove to be a shrewd decision. Not only will they have the access to a network, but when it comes to applying a secondary depth to their interviewing, they will be able to assess competence in the areas most important to you.
  1. Risk management – during a recruitment process candidates are keen to impress the people interviewing them. So, when it comes to telling the hiring manager that they don’t agree or see something in the same way, it is often avoided to keep the ball in their court. Recruiters are trained to get to the detail with any concerns candidates may have so that they can help their clients manage the risk. I frequently hear stories of offers being rejected when the company had the “perfect candidate” apply directly. Your recruiter will manage all the risks throughout the process to try and avoid any wasted time and effort. When it comes to people, nothing is guaranteed, but strong risk management really can put the odds in your favour.
  1. Money. Yes, your recruiter will save you money! It seems strange when you know the fees associated with using a search firm. The recruitment fee is always the seen and tangible cost, but I always ask my clients to understand the cost of not hiring someone or taking 12 months to do so. What is the overall cost to the business if your sales team can’t scale to hit revenue objectives? Or what is the cost of having your Quality Director bogged down in basic QA issues instead of considering the long-term strategy? Often the cost of getting your hiring wrong can far outweigh the fees associated with a robust hiring process undertaken by a specialist recruiter.

If you are a potential client who is reading this and wondering how some of the points above could benefit you, our team would be happy to hear your challenges and walk you through potential solutions.

For further information contact Gareth Foden at [email protected].


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Recruiting women into STEM roles

Recruiting women into STEM roles

The STEM industry has become a much more inclusive and diverse market, with individuals from a variety of backgrounds and cultures studying and working in the industry. However, there is still more to be done to make STEM more appealing for women.

Early exposure – As with most things, early exposure is crucial to sparking interest. One step to attracting more women to STEM is creating environments in schools that invite young women into STEM subjects. Schools and colleges need to advertise STEM to boys and girls equally, creating a balanced environment for all to start their STEM journey.

Positive role models – As well as this, ensuring that young women have positive role models from within the STEM community will showcase the future opportunities and help them to visualise a career in the industry. Having positive female role models and mentors who are working in STEM is a great way for prospective STEM employees to learn, explore and develop through advice and inspiration.

Gender pay gap – The industry needs to do more once women are in employment. Closing the gender pay gap is still an important topic in most industries and although STEM is one of the leading industries for equal pay, there is still a gap that needs bridging between male and female colleagues’ pay. There also needs to be a more balanced representation of women at the top – companies don’t just need to pay their employees equal wages; they also need to open opportunities for women to take higher positions at the top of businesses. By showcasing routes to the top, women can enter the industry with the confidence that they can progress and have equal opportunities to their male counter parts.

Our team would be happy to hear your challenges in recruiting women into STEM roles and support you with potential solutions. For further information call us on +44 (0) 1606 212020 or email [email protected].



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We’ve got a new website!

We've got a new website!

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website – www.delverec.com

Our new website includes updated information to help you find out more about who we are and what we do, as well as an improved design to better represent who we are as a company. 

We have also developed new sector specific areas to demonstrate our expertise in sourcing talent for the life science, engineering & semiconductor communities worldwide.

Life Sciencedelvelifescience.com

The team at Delve has extensive experience of providing support to life science companies looking to raise their profile and increase their hiring ability. We have experience of working with a variety of businesses in the sector, from start–ups, to established manufacturers and distributors of essential technologies.


Delve’s experienced semiconductor team can support your business securing talented individuals involved in semiconductor design, semiconductor manufacturing and outsourced semiconductor assembly and test.


The engineering industry is always adapting and finding the right employees to support this continual adaptation is critical for all business in the sector. Our team perform a vital role securing talented candidates for growing companies involved in everything from electronic and electrical engineering to water treatment solutions and the processing of technical fibres.

We will continue to add new and interesting content, as well as adding job listings and blog posts. To keep up to date, follow us on LinkedIn


How to kickstart a career in engineering

How to kickstart a career in engineering

The engineering industry is always adapting as new technologies are developed making way for some interesting job opportunities. Check out our guide on how to kickstart your career in engineering!

Do your research 

If you know which type of company you want to work for, make sure you research them. Find out about their company values, what products or services they provide and what development opportunities they offer employees. 

Follow the types of companies you want to work for. If you’re going for an interview, it’s always a plus point if you know your facts! 

Look beyond the pay packet 

It’s not all about the money you’ll be earning. At the end of the day, money doesn’t always make you happy! It’s a lot more than that. For example, are there progression opportunities available, will you receive training and development, are the employees nice and easy to get on and work with? 

 These are all important questions that are sometimes overlooked. Think about what you really want out of an engineering job – and what’s most important to you. This will make it easier to find a role that ticks all the boxes.  

Make your skills and personality stand out 

Here at Delve, we have a beyond the paper approach, we’ve seen thousands of engineering CVs and most of them look exactly the same. What we are looking for is something that makes you stand out from the rest. 

What key skills or achievements do you have? The key skills that recruiters are currently looking for are team players, curiosity, ambition, good communicators, problem solvers, adaptability, and creativity. If you can show a recruiter that you have these skills, then make sure you shout about it! 

Get your foot in the door 

If you know of a particular company that you want to work for, call them! Put yourself out there, be a bit cheeky and ask them if they need volunteers. Gaining work experience can really help to kick start your career in engineering. 

After all, you could see what it’s like working there and which areas of engineering you might be interested in. This is a really good way of developing skills and building a network of useful contacts, and it looks good on your CV too! 

Keep your head up 

Finally, don’t give up! If it’s something you really want, then keep going. We all get knock-backs in life, but what makes you stronger is how you get up, deal with it, and move on. 

Engineering can be a very exciting sector to work in, so why don’t you give it a go? 

To find out more about how we can support you call us on +44 (0)1606 212020 or email [email protected].